Lifestyle and Wellness

Staying Cool this Summer with Cannabis

Staying Cool this Summer with Cannabis

Summer is already in full swing and with that temperatures are beginning to climb. When that thermometer starts creeping into triple digits, some people might not be too keen on smoking. Honestly, we don’t blame them, after spending a day in the sun, we understand not wanting to have any more heat near you.

If you’re someone like that, don’t worry, we’ve got all the tips and tricks you can use to stay cool while also staying high.

Choose the Right Strain

One of the best ways to stay cool while consuming cannabis is to pick the right strain. Some cannabis strains are known for their cooling and calming effects, which can be particularly refreshing during the hot summer months. 

Look for strains that are high in terpenes like linalool and limonene, which can have cooling effects as well as provide a soothing and uplifting experience.

Additionally, there have been some studies that have shown that consuming THC can actually lower your body temperature. These studies are still in their early stages but the results are promising.

It’s also been proven that consuming things at a higher temperature when it’s hot out can actually cool you down. We’ve seen this with things like hot coffee and soup, when your body is exposed to high temperature substances it activates your natural cooling responses. Therefore smoking can actually kick start your body’s temperature regulating process, allowing you to cool down quicker.

Cool Consumption Methods

You can also choose ways of consumption that are naturally cooler and more comfortable in the heat. 

You can try vaping instead of smoking a traditional joint or blunt. With a vaporizer you are better able to control the temperature of what you are smoking. This gives you the chance to cool things down a little bit when it’s getting sweltering out there. 

Vapes are also a good discreet option for a lot of traditional summer activities.

If edibles are more your thing, then you might want to opt for something a little lighter instead of the rich, dense edibles that are more traditionally popular. When that sun is beating down, you may want to leave the brownies and the chocolate at home and instead choose something like gummies or other candies.

You can also infuse your favorite summer treat using tinctures or dissolvables.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is always important in the summer but it’s especially important when you’re consuming. Raising your body temperature will always increase the risk of dehydration so you’re going to want to make sure you drink more water than you normally would to compensate for that heat. 

Drinking water will also help to combat that dry mouth people sometimes get when consuming cannabis.

If you want to stay hydrated while consuming at the same time, you can try an infused beverage. This will give you a nice high while making sure that you stay cool and hydrated the whole day. You can even use an infused drink to make a mocktail to go along with your perfect summer day.

Plan Your Activities Wisely

Being mindful about what you’re doing and when you’re doing it can sometimes make all of the difference. 

You might want to consider a cooler time for your daily sesh. Typically, the early morning and late evening are cooler than midday. Plan your cannabis consumption around these times to avoid the peak heat. Not only can it be more enjoyable, it can be less taxing on your body.

You also might want to try and incorporate cannabis into an activity that’s already cool. Things like kayaking, paddleboarding, or lounging by the pool or beach are already activities that can cool you down so why not add a little cannabis in there. 

Just make sure that you are consuming responsibly and make sure that you are able to give any activities that you are doing the proper focus and attention that they need.

Other Important Tips

  • Try to stay in the shade whenever you’re outside.
  • Make sure indoor spaces are properly ventilated so the heat doesn’t build up in the room.
  • Dress lightly so as not to trap your body and allow for air flow.
  • Listen to your body. If you start feeling dizzy or overheated, take a break, hydrate, and cool down. 


Summer offers so many opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors and partake in cannabis, but we want to make sure you fully enjoy the experience. Embrace the season with these tips, and make your summer both enjoyable and comfortable while staying cool and high.

Looking to enhance your next summer adventure? We here at NatureMed have you covered with everything you might need. Check out our online menu to see all that we have to offer as well as our specials page to see all the ways you can save!