6 Common Myths about Cannabis

Like any controlled substance, Cannabis has a number of stigmas surrounding it. There are also quite a few myths that get perpetuated that cast cannabis and cannabis users in a poor light. 

Almost all of these myths are either not true or are blown way out of proportion. They are, at best, founded in misinformation and at worst used to perpetuate harmful stereotypes. 

Now, we’re here to set the record straight and debunk a lot of these common myths and story about Cannabis

Myth #1: Cannabis is a Gateway Drug

One of the most common things that you hear about marijuana is that it’s a gateway drug that will cause users to eventually turn to other, stronger drugs, however, that’s not entirely true. 

While there has been a noted correlation between cannabis use and other drug use, correlation does not amount to causation. There are many factors that contribute to a person’s potential drug usage and oftentimes it’s a combination of many of those factors that determine the likelihood of someone going on to use hard drugs.

Furthermore, a study published by Cambridge University in 2023, found that in states where cannabis was legalized there was not significant increase in illicit drug use, after the legalization.

Myth #2: Cannabis is Highly Addictive

While cannabis use can lead to dependence in some individuals, the overall addiction potential is lower compared to substances like nicotine or opioids. 

Similar to our previous point, there are a number of different factors that could affect an individual’s chance of becoming addicted. Many studies have found that a person’s gender, marital status, income level, genetics and more can factor into their chances of becoming addicted to marijuana. 

Additionally those factors can also increase a person’s chances of becoming addicted to other substances as well, so it’s not exclusive to cannabis. 

Myth #3: Cannabis Causes Permanent Mental Illness

While cannabis use may have an association with mental health conditions, particularly in individuals predisposed to such conditions, there is not a lot of research that shows that it causes permanent mental illness. 

There are many other factors both internal and external that can contribute to a person’s mental state and their chances of having a mental illness. 

However, it is important to note that people who are already diagnosed with a mental illness or are predisposed to one based on genetics or family history may have their illness or symptoms exacerbated by the use of cannabis. 

So in these cases it’s important to be aware of your own conditions and talk to your health care provider if you have any concerns.

Myth #4: All Cannabis Strains Are the Same

Many people believe that cannabis affects them the same regardless of the type. This way of thinking can sometimes lead to people trying it, not liking how it made them feel, and never using it again. 

However, Cannabis strains can vary widely in their cannabinoid and terpene profiles, leading to different effects. Not all strains produce the same experiences, and factors such as THC and CBD levels, terpene content, and individual tolerance contribute to the diversity of effects.

Learn More: Indica v. Sativa: What’s the difference and why the industry is moving away from them

If you or someone you know had a less than great experience cannabis and you’re looking to try again, talk to your budtender. Let them know what you didn’t like and what you’re looking to feel and they should be able to give you some suggestions to help your next sesh go a little better.  

Myth #5: Cannabis Use Leads to Violence

There is no conclusive evidence linking cannabis use to an increased likelihood of violent behavior. Research generally suggests that cannabis is less likely to induce aggression compared to other substances. 

This myth tends to come from this idea that cannabis causes psychosis and psychosis causes violence, therefore cannabis use must cause violence. However, as we’ve already covered, psychosis, along with other mental illnesses are outright caused by cannabis consumption but by a myriad of factors. 

In fact, in a study funded by the Justice Department, they found that serious offenses and crime were not affected by the legalization and subsequent increased use of cannabis.

Myth #6: Cannabis Causes Lung Cancer Like Tobacco

While smoking cannabis does expose the lungs to carcinogens like tobacco smoke does, studies have not consistently shown a clear link between cannabis smoking and lung cancer. 

Furthermore, research has shown that even the most hardcore of cannabis users don’t smoke the same amount of weed as the average tobacco smoker does cigarettes 

However, if this is a concern for you or someone you know, alternative methods of consumption, such as vaporization or edibles, are generally considered to be safer for respiratory health.

While there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about cannabis and cannabis users, the conversation is changing and increased education is working to dispel a lot of these myths.

If you still have questions or concerns about cannabis please don’t hesitate to come into NatureMed and ask, our budtenders will be more than happy to help you with whatever you need.