
Cannabis and Chronic Pain

Cannabis and Chronic Pain

There are millions of people worldwide that experience some kind of chronic pain in their daily lives. This impacts their quality of life and ability to function everyday. 

More traditional treatments such as opioids can provide relief for some but they may also come with unwanted side effects and risks of dependency. Because of this, many people are turning to more natural remedies like cannabis for their pain relief.

Cannabis has been widely studied for its potential effects on chronic pain management, and research suggests that it may offer relief for individuals suffering from all different types of chronic pain conditions.

What is Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is defined as persistent or recurrent pain that lasts longer than three to six months. It’s often a result of underlying medical conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, or injuries. Chronic pain can significantly impact physical and mental well-being, leading to decreased mobility, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and reduced quality of life.

How Cannabis Can Help

Cannabis has a long history of use as a medicinal plant, with anecdotal reports dating back thousands of years.

More recently, scientific research has begun to uncover the therapeutic potential of cannabis, particularly in cannabinoids like THC and CBD, in managing chronic pain. These cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating pain perception, inflammation, and other physiological processes.

Here are just a couple of the ways that cannabis can help with different types of chronic pain and its symptoms.

General Pain Relief

One of the most well-known effects of cannabis is its analgesic, or pain-relieving, properties. The cannabinoids like THC and CBD are two compounds that can really help to alleviate pain and make the user more comfortable. 

THC acts on cannabinoid receptors in the brain and spinal cord to reduce pain signals, while CBD may modulate pain perception through its effects on other neurotransmitter systems.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Chronic pain is often associated with inflammation, and cannabis is shown to have anti-inflammatory properties in a number of  studies. 

Cannabinoids like CBD have been shown to reduce inflammation by inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and other mediators of inflammation.

Neuropathic Pain Relief

Cannabis has been reported to be particularly effective in relieving neuropathic pain, which is caused by damage or dysfunction of the nervous system. 

Both THC and CBD have been shown to affect pain signaling pathways in the central nervous system, making them potentially beneficial for neuropathic pain conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis (MS), and nerve damage due to injury or surgery.

Muscle Relaxation

It has also been reported that cannabis has muscle-relaxant properties, which may help alleviate muscle spasms and tension associated with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis (MS), and chronic back pain. 

THC and CBD both have muscle-relaxing effects, which can contribute to overall pain relief and improved mobility.

Improvement in Sleep

Chronic pain often disrupts sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and exacerbating pain symptoms. Cannabis may help improve sleep quality by reducing pain, promoting relaxation, and inducing sleepiness. 

CBD and CBN, in particular, have been studied for their potential to improve sleep in individuals with chronic pain and other sleep disorders.

Mood Enhancement

Chronic pain can take a toll on mental health, leading to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. Cannabis may have mood-enhancing effects, helping individuals cope with the emotional impact of chronic pain and improving overall well-being.

Note: While cannabis may offer relief for some individuals with chronic pain, it may not be effective for everyone. Speak to your doctor or health care provider before starting cannabis as a treatment for any type of condition. 


Cannabis is a great alternative option for treating chronic pain, offering potential relief for individuals suffering from a wide range of conditions. By exploring the therapeutic potential of cannabis, individuals living with chronic pain may find relief and improve their overall quality of life.

If you’re interested, we at NatureMed are always here to help you find exactly what you need. Check out our online menu to see all that we have to offer and stop by our specials page to see the ways you can save.


Cannabis in Sports

Cannabis in Sports

In recent years there has been a growing conversation surrounding cannabis use for athletes. While traditionally used for recreational purposes, cannabis is increasingly being recognized for its therapeutic properties and potential to enhance athletic performance. 

There are a number of reasons why an athlete might want to use cannabis as well as a few reasons why they can’t.

Therapeutic Benefits

Cannabis contains a number of compounds that have therapeutic properties. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD have been known to help with things like pain perception, inflammation and more. 

Many athletes report experiencing chronic pain and inflammation due to the intense training, injuries, and physical demands of their sport. Research suggests that some cannabinoids have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making them effective for managing pain and promoting recovery. 

Similarly, cannabis may help athletes manage stress, anxiety, and improve sleep quality. It’s been shown that high-stress levels and inadequate sleep can negatively impact athletic performance and recovery.

Enhancing Performance and Recovery

In addition to its therapeutic effects, some athletes use cannabis to enhance their performance and recovery. While more research is needed in this area, some anecdotal evidence suggests that cannabis can help athletes enter a state of flow, improve focus, and enhance creativity.

Some athletes also report that cannabis helps to relax them prior to big games or competitions. It can help them to overcome performance anxiety and pre-competition jitters, leading to an overall better performance.

Additionally, the aforementioned anti-inflammatory properties can help to reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, allowing athletes to train harder and more frequently. This gives them more opportunities to improve at their sport and perhaps give them an edge on the competition.

Legal and Ethical Issues

Despite the potential benefits, cannabis use in sports is still considered controversial due to its legal status and concerns about fairness and ethics. 

While some sports organizations have relaxed their policies on cannabis use, others still have strict regulations and impose penalties for athletes who test positive for cannabinoids. 

For example, the World Anti-Doping Agency—who manages all of the anti-doping regulations for the Olympics—lists cannabis as prohibited substances in competition

Additionally, the legality of cannabis varies by jurisdiction, which can make it difficult for athletes who compete internationally or in states or countries where cannabis is illegal or heavily regulated.

Some organizations will allow exceptions for medical reasons but many don’t as it’s still considered performance enhancing. Even if the exemption is allowed it may not carry over into other organizations, making it difficult for athletes to compete at the local, national and international levels.

Note: The World Anti-Doping Agency and many other organizations list Cannabidiol (CBD) as an exception to their rules on cannabis usage. Using CBD-based products, especially topicals, is a great way to get some of the benefits of cannabis without breaking any rules.


The question of the usage of cannabis in sports is definitely a complex one but it’s one that we should be willing to tackle. The benefits to athletes are undeniable and as the general culture is warming to cannabis use, so might sports culture. 

Any athletes, thinking of using cannabis either to help their performance or in their daily life should make sure that they are familiar with all of the rules and regulations of the organization that they’re competing in. 

If you find that cannabis is something that you can and want to use in your daily life as an athlete, then stop by NatureMed and we’ll make sure that you have everything you need to have you playing and feeling your best.

Check out our online menu to see what you have to offer and check out our specials page to see the ways you can save.


4 Ways to Incorporate Cannabis into Your Wellness Routine

4 Ways to Incorporate Cannabis into Your Wellness Routine

Establishing an easy to maintain and consistent wellness routine is key to living a balanced and healthy life. That being said, a lot of people have a very specific idea of what a wellness regiment is and will oftentimes write it off as too much or too difficult.

However, your wellness routine doesn’t have to look like that. The best wellness routine is one that fits with your lifestyle and if you’re here it probably means that weed figures somewhere into that lifestyle. So here are four ways that you can incorporate cannabis into your wellness journey.


Using cannabis before or during exercise might not be your first thought but it can be helpful, especially if you’re struggling to get started. Many people have reported that using cannabis in conjunction with their workout has made it more enjoyable. 

Many athletes have also reported that it helps them to concentrate and really get into their workout. Depending on the strain or product that you’re using it can also give you a little boost in energy to kickstart your workout or keep you moving if you start fading.

There really isn’t a limit to the activities that you can incorporate cannabis into, yoga is a popular one but things like running, strength training or other gym workouts are also great options.

Additionally, many people have found that using CBG and CBD before or after their workouts can be very beneficial. CBG is known to give you a boost in energy and both help with recovery. When taken together they balance well, complimenting each other and negating potential side effects.

Tip: Edibles are a great way to consume before a workout because there’s a much lower chance of it interfering with your lung capacity. You’re also probably going to want to find a Sativa strain to give you that energy boost.


Meditating is a great way to ground yourself and work on mindfulness. It’s been known to reduce stress and anxiety and improve mental health. Using Cannabis can help improve your meditative experience. 

Many strains are known to have calming and relaxing properties, this can help you to focus during your mediation. 

Cannabis can also be helpful for people who struggle to meditate. One of the main complaints that people have about meditation is that they can’t get their mind to slow down enough to successfully meditate. Using cannabis is a great way to help slow your brain down and comfortably sink into a meditative state.

Tip: You’re probably going to want to find an Indica strain for your meditation session, as Sativa and even Hybrid strains might excite your brain too much and impede your ability to slow down and relax.

Start Your Day Right

Beginning your day on the right note sets the tone for the rest of your day and helps to put you in the right headspace to accomplish all of your goals. While many people struggle to get up in the morning and experience fatigue for a while after getting up, cannabis can help to alleviate some of those problems

Working cannabis into your morning routine can help you to start the day on the right foot and if you pick the right strain it can help to ease you out of sleep and into a relaxed state of wakefulness, ready to take on whatever the day brings. 

Sleep Aids

On the opposite end of the spectrum it’s also important to end your day the right way and to set yourself up for a good night’s sleep. We need at least 8 hours of sleep every night to be able to function optimally and if you’re struggling to get to sleep and stay asleep. 

If you’re struggling to get to sleep then you might want to consider adding a little cannabis to your nighttime routine. As previously mentioned, cannabis can help you to relax and slow your mind down, this is super helpful when it comes to getting to sleep. 

Additionally, people have reported that they will stay asleep longer when using cannabis before bed. It can also help to soothe some aches and pains that might be keeping you up at night.

Tip: Choosing an Indica strain is definitely the right option here but you also might want to consider finding something that contains CBN as well. CBN is known to have calming, sedative qualities which makes it perfect for helping you get some Z’s.


Working Cannabis into your everyday wellness routine is not only easy but it can also help to improve your quality of life and make it easier to stick to your new routine.

If you’re looking to add a little something extra to your wellness journey, then make sure that you stop by NatureMed and we’ll make sure you’ve got what you need. 

Check out our online menu to see everything we have to offer and check our specials page to see all the ways you can save.


5 Ways That Your Pet Can Benefit from CBD

5 Ways That Your Pet Can Benefit from CBD

Most people are aware of the benefits of cannabis in humans but many people don’t know that it can be helpful for animals as well. Dogs, cats and even other pets can benefit from the use of CBD in their everyday life.

In a lot of cases owners may use CBD as a supplement to medications or even as a replacement for it, as it can be much cheaper and easier to access. It can also be used to treat ailments or conditions that may not require medication yet but are still lowering their quality of life.

A quick note before we get into it. While CBD can be very beneficial for animals, THC typically is not. Therefore it is very important to remember that when you are purchasing cannabis products for your pets, to make sure that they only contain CBD and that they are designed for pets specifically. 

If your pet happens to get into any cannabis products designed for humans, contact your vet immediately and see if action needs to be taken.

With that out of the way, here are five ways that your pet could benefit from using CBD.

1. Anxiety and Stress Management

Lots of owners love CBD for its anxiety-reducing effects on their pets. CBD products can be used for continued stress management like separation anxiety or obsessive behaviors. Giving them a dose or two everyday, usually with their meals, will help to reduce that anxiety and calm them down

It can also be used for singular instances of high anxiety, like thunderstorms or fireworks. If you have any kind of advanced warning of these situations then it’s best if you start to give them doses beforehand so it has time to get into their system and start working. 

2. Pain Relief

Like for humans, CBD can be a great pain management tool for your pets. It can be helpful in instances of injury surgery recovery when they could be in pain for while they recover. 

It’s also used a lot in situations of chronic pain, like arthritis, for example. Many older pets that have a hard time getting around and are in a lot of pain when they do, can really benefit from CBD. It gets them moving and keeps them comfortable, allowing them to continue to enjoy all of their favorite things.

3. Anti-inflammatory Effects

CBD has also been shown to decrease inflammation in pets. Things like skin disorders, allergies and other inflammatory conditions can be reduced and even completely removed by adding CBD to their diet. It can also help to reduce temporary inflammation like post surgery inflammation or hot spots.

CBD can also be helpful in these situations when applied topically. Typically it’s consumed orally by pets, but applying a tincture to a specific area of inflammation can also help to bring it down and keep your pet comfortable. 

Just be aware that many pet tinctures are flavored, so your furry friend might want to lick it off. It’s completely safe to consume but, it might be a good idea to just keep an eye on them so they don’t aggravate the inflammation any more.

4. Management of Seizures and Epilepsy

There has been research and some anecdotal evidence to suggest that regular use of CBD can help owners to manage their pet’s seizures. It’s been reported that giving your pets CBD regularly can help to reduce the severity and frequency of seizures.

Most owners will choose to use CBD in conjunction with another medication as the research has not been extensive enough to remove the prescribed medication entirely. Always make sure that you are in contact with your veterinarian regarding any changes or additions to your pets medication.

5. Cancer Symptom Management

While CBD will not cure your pets cancer, it can certainly help them feel better and manage the side effects of their treatment. Humans actually use CBD and other cannabis products in a similar way during radiation and chemotherapy treatments. 

Many owners have reported that using CBD alongside their pets cancer treatment helped to manage their cancer symptoms as well as the side effects of the treatment. It’s helped to mitigate symptoms like pain, nausea, and even loss of appetite. 

As always consult with your vet before making any big changes to your pets medication and treatment.


We all love our pets and consider them to be part of the family, therefore, we want to make sure that our furry friends are feeling the best that they can. CBD is just one way that we can do that for them.

If you’re thinking of giving CBD a try for your pet, then come on down to NatureMed and we’ll make sure that you have everything that you’re going to need.

Check out a list of all our pet products that we have to offer and take a look at our specials page to see all of the ways that you can save.


Explaining Tolerance Breaks

What is a Tolerance Break and Would it Benefit You?

For some people who regularly use cannabis, they might find themselves having to use more or stronger products to achieve that high that they’re used to. 

This can happen when the body builds up a tolerance to cannabis due to regular, extended use. While it is not inherently a problem, it can be frustrating for the user and can get pretty expensive over time.

So what can someone do when they find themselves in this situation? One of the more popular options is to takeーwhat people in the cannabis community callーa tolerance break or a T-break. As the name suggests this is when someone takes a break from consuming cannabis to reset or reduce their tolerance to its effects.

If you’re thinking that you might be in need of a T-break but you’re not quite sure what to do or what to expect, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Purpose of a Tolerance Break

There are usually a couple of main goals that people have for their tolerance breaks. Generally the primary goal of a tolerance break is to decrease the body’s tolerance to cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). As previously discussed, regular and prolonged cannabis use can lead to desensitization of cannabinoid receptors, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects.

Additionally, taking a break allows the body to reset, making the individual more sensitive to cannabinoids. When they resume cannabis use after a tolerance break, lower doses may produce more pronounced effects.

Tolerance breaks can also be motivated by a desire to manage costs associated with cannabis use. Higher tolerance often leads to increased consumption, which can end up costing much more over time.

How Long Should a Tolerance Break Last?

The length of a tolerance break can vary based on individual factors, including the frequency and amount of cannabis consumed, the person’s metabolism, and overall health. 

Tolerance breaks can range from a few days to several weeks or more. However, most people agree that it should be, at the very least, 48 hours to allow your cannabinoid receptors time to reset.

Some people find benefits even with short breaks, while others may choose more extended periods for a more significant reset. There may be a little bit of trial and error at this point while you find out what’s going to work best for your body.

What to Expect During a Tolerance Break:

If you’ve never taken a deliberate T-break before you might be curious about what to expect. One of the main things that you might experience during your break are some withdrawal symptoms. 

Fortunately, cannabis withdrawal symptoms are generally mild compared to substances like opioids or nicotine. Some individuals may experience changes in mood, sleep patterns, and appetite during a tolerance break.

Some people also report increased mental clarity, improved focus, and enhanced overall well-being during a tolerance break.

What if You Can’t Take a Break?

For some, it can be really difficult to do a full tolerance break, they may have a higher average cannabis use or might need it to help them function in their everyday life. Unfortunately they can still experience all the frustrations that go with a high tolerance.

If this is the case, you may want to just cut back instead of cutting it out entirely. The idea here is, slowly reducing your usage, allowing your body to get used to it and then trying a short tolerance break to give you that chance to reset.

You may also want to think about consuming in a different way. Each way of consumption is different and your body processes those cannabinoids in different ways. If you regularly smoke, you might want to consider trying edibles for a little while to give your body that new sensation.

Tips for a Successful Tolerance Break

  1. Set Clear Goals
    Define the purpose and length of your tolerance break from the start. Having clear goals can help you stay motivated.
  2. Stay Busy
    Engage in activities that keep you occupied and distracted. Staying busy can help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Seek Support
    If needed, talk to friends or seek support from others in the cannabis community. Sharing experiences and tips can be helpful during a tolerance break.
  4. Monitor Changes
    Pay attention to changes in your mood, sleep, and overall well-being during the break. This self-awareness can inform your relationship with cannabis in the future.
  5. Try CDB
    Many people report that using CBD products help to ease the transition into a tolerance break. With its relaxing properties it can be particularly helpful with managing withdrawal symptoms. Just make sure that whatever your taking doesn’t contain any THC because that will mess with your tolerance break.


Tolerance breaks can be a helpful tool that allows you to continue using cannabis regularly and ensures that it’s still working for you and getting you the effects that you’re looking for.

If you’re planning on taking a tolerance break anytime soon, don’t worry, NatureMed will still be here to get you everything you need once you’re finished. 

If you want to stock up ahead of time so you can jump right back in once you’re done, check out our online menu to see what we have to offer and stop by our specials page to see the ways you can save.


Common Myths about Cannabis

6 Common Myths about Cannabis

Like any controlled substance, Cannabis has a number of stigmas surrounding it. There are also quite a few myths that get perpetuated that cast cannabis and cannabis users in a poor light. 

Almost all of these myths are either not true or are blown way out of proportion. They are, at best, founded in misinformation and at worst used to perpetuate harmful stereotypes. 

Now, we’re here to set the record straight and debunk a lot of these common myths and story about Cannabis

Myth #1: Cannabis is a Gateway Drug

One of the most common things that you hear about marijuana is that it’s a gateway drug that will cause users to eventually turn to other, stronger drugs, however, that’s not entirely true. 

While there has been a noted correlation between cannabis use and other drug use, correlation does not amount to causation. There are many factors that contribute to a person’s potential drug usage and oftentimes it’s a combination of many of those factors that determine the likelihood of someone going on to use hard drugs.

Furthermore, a study published by Cambridge University in 2023, found that in states where cannabis was legalized there was not significant increase in illicit drug use, after the legalization.

Myth #2: Cannabis is Highly Addictive

While cannabis use can lead to dependence in some individuals, the overall addiction potential is lower compared to substances like nicotine or opioids. 

Similar to our previous point, there are a number of different factors that could affect an individual’s chance of becoming addicted. Many studies have found that a person’s gender, marital status, income level, genetics and more can factor into their chances of becoming addicted to marijuana. 

Additionally those factors can also increase a person’s chances of becoming addicted to other substances as well, so it’s not exclusive to cannabis. 

Myth #3: Cannabis Causes Permanent Mental Illness

While cannabis use may have an association with mental health conditions, particularly in individuals predisposed to such conditions, there is not a lot of research that shows that it causes permanent mental illness. 

There are many other factors both internal and external that can contribute to a person’s mental state and their chances of having a mental illness. 

However, it is important to note that people who are already diagnosed with a mental illness or are predisposed to one based on genetics or family history may have their illness or symptoms exacerbated by the use of cannabis. 

So in these cases it’s important to be aware of your own conditions and talk to your health care provider if you have any concerns.

Myth #4: All Cannabis Strains Are the Same

Many people believe that cannabis affects them the same regardless of the type. This way of thinking can sometimes lead to people trying it, not liking how it made them feel, and never using it again. 

However, Cannabis strains can vary widely in their cannabinoid and terpene profiles, leading to different effects. Not all strains produce the same experiences, and factors such as THC and CBD levels, terpene content, and individual tolerance contribute to the diversity of effects.

Learn More: Indica v. Sativa: What’s the difference and why the industry is moving away from them

If you or someone you know had a less than great experience cannabis and you’re looking to try again, talk to your budtender. Let them know what you didn’t like and what you’re looking to feel and they should be able to give you some suggestions to help your next sesh go a little better.  

Myth #5: Cannabis Use Leads to Violence

There is no conclusive evidence linking cannabis use to an increased likelihood of violent behavior. Research generally suggests that cannabis is less likely to induce aggression compared to other substances. 

This myth tends to come from this idea that cannabis causes psychosis and psychosis causes violence, therefore cannabis use must cause violence. However, as we’ve already covered, psychosis, along with other mental illnesses are outright caused by cannabis consumption but by a myriad of factors. 

In fact, in a study funded by the Justice Department, they found that serious offenses and crime were not affected by the legalization and subsequent increased use of cannabis.

Myth #6: Cannabis Causes Lung Cancer Like Tobacco

While smoking cannabis does expose the lungs to carcinogens like tobacco smoke does, studies have not consistently shown a clear link between cannabis smoking and lung cancer. 

Furthermore, research has shown that even the most hardcore of cannabis users don’t smoke the same amount of weed as the average tobacco smoker does cigarettes 

However, if this is a concern for you or someone you know, alternative methods of consumption, such as vaporization or edibles, are generally considered to be safer for respiratory health.

While there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about cannabis and cannabis users, the conversation is changing and increased education is working to dispel a lot of these myths.

If you still have questions or concerns about cannabis please don’t hesitate to come into NatureMed and ask, our budtenders will be more than happy to help you with whatever you need.


Indica v. Sativa

Indica v. Sativa: What’s the difference and why the industry is moving in a new direction

Even if you are fairly new to the world of cannabis you have probably heard the terms Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid. If you’re a seasoned cannabis user, then you are most likely all too familiar with those labels and use them regularly when purchasing and consuming. 

Traditionally, cannabis strains have been categorized into these three different types based on things like effect and appearance. And while this is still the most popular way to categorize strains, we have seen many brands and industry leaders start to move away from these labels for more comprehensive descriptors.

Our main goal here is to give those who are just starting out, an understanding of the Indica/Sativa/Hybrid labels, to allow you to better navigate the process of purchasing and consumption better. 

As well as give newbies and seasoned users alike, a little look into the way that the industry is moving and what things may look like over the course of the next few years.

Traditional Cannabis Classifications

This way of classification is one of the oldest and most popular ways of categorizing strains. However, with so much variation from strain to strain, these labels are really only going to give you broad strokes when it comes to the characteristics of their strains.

It’s a great place to start, especially if you’re just starting out, but if you want something very specific from your weed, you may need to do a little more research into the strain or talk to your Budtender.


Indica strains are often associated with relaxing and sedative effects. People who use Indica strain report a body-centric high, along with a sense of physical relaxation and relief from pain and tension.

Because of this, these strains are frequently used in the evening or nighttime due to these calming effects. They are also often used to promote sleep, alleviate anxiety, and provide relief from chronic pain.

In terms of appearance, Indica plants are generally shorter and bushier with broader leaves. They are also characterized by a compact and dense growth structure.


On the opposite end of the spectrum Sativa strains are known for producing energizing and uplifting effects. People who use these strains will often report experiencing a head-high, which can enhance creativity, focus, and sociability.

Sativa strains are usually used during the daytime, as they are less likely to induce sedation. They are also popular for activities that require things like mental alertness and creativity.

As for their appearance, they continue the trend of being opposite to Indica. Sativa plants are typically taller with narrower leaves. They have a more open and airy growth structure.


Now here’s where we meet in the middle with Hybrid strains. As the name suggests, these strains are typically created when a grower cross-breeds an Indica strain with a Sativa. 

Because of this, the effects of hybrid strains can vary widely, depending on the specific genetics of the strain. Therefore, it’s hard to pin down specific effects and traits that are characteristic of Hybrid strains. Some hybrids may lean more towards Indica effects, while others may lean towards Sativa effects.

Typically someone would choose a Hybrid strain for a balance between relaxation and mental stimulation. However the mixture between those two is going to vary from strain to strain.

Additionally, as the industry has expanded, strains have been cross-breed so much that it’s difficult to find a true Indica or Sativa, most strains are going to be some kind of hybrid. This can make it hard to find the exact effects you want if you’re only looking at the Indica/Sativa/Hybrid labels.

This, as well as other reasons, is why the industry is beginning to move away from those classifications and in a new direction.

New Ways of Classification

As the industry grows and changes so does the way that we talk about cannabis. While the Indica/Sativa/Hybrid labels aren’t going to completely go away anytime soon, we are starting to see a shift in the conversation.

Cannabinoid Profiles 

One new way that we are starting to see people classifying different strains is through their Cannabinoid Profiles. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. They interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system and produce various different effects.

Some common cannabinoids are Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD), and Cannabigerol (CBG). However there are dozens of different cannabinoids and each one has a different effect on your system. 

Knowing which cannabinoids and how much of each are in a specific strain can allow you to choose the strain that will better suit your needs and give you the effects you’re looking for.

Terpene profiles

Terpenes are another compound that can influence the effect that cannabis will have on you. Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in various plants, including cannabis. They contribute to the distinctive scents and flavors of different strains and may also have therapeutic effects.

Some common terpenes are Myrcene, Limonene, Pinene, and Linalool however there are over two-hundred different ones that have been found in cannabis.

Terpenes on their own will have different effects but the terpenes can also interact with different cannabinoids in something called the entourage effect.

This effect refers to the interaction between cannabinoids and terpenes that will enhance the overall therapeutic effects of cannabis. For example, the presence of myrcene in a strain may enhance the sedative effects of THC, contributing to a more relaxing experience.


Whether you prefer the traditional classification system or you want to learn about some of the new ones, NatureMed is here to help with all of your cannabis needs. As always if you have any questions about any of our strains or products, please don’t hesitate to ask your budtender!

Find all of your old standards and maybe some new favorites here on our online menu and check our specials page to see the ways you can save.


Cannabis and Sleep

Cannabis and Sleep

Sleep is a crucial part of feeling good in your everyday life, yet many people struggle with insomnia, and other sleep-related issues. While over the counter and even prescription sleep aids do exist, some people are turning to cannabis as a natural alternative to help them fall asleep and stay that way for the whole night. 

For those unfamiliar with what’s in cannabis, there are two main compounds that we’ll find, THC and CBD. THC is the psychoactive compound that gives you the high that is typically associated with smoking weed. 

The other is CBD, which is non-psychoactive and known for its calming properties. Which is why, among other things, it is often used to help people fall asleep.

If you find yourself tossing and turning at night and unable to fall asleep, then cannabis might be something you want to try. 

Please note: Nothing contained here should be taken as medical advice. Before starting to use cannabis in any kind of medical capacity, please speak with your doctor. Now, without any further ado, let’s get into it!

Promoting Relaxation

If you just find it difficult to fall asleep, then you may want to consider consuming Indica or indica-dominant. These strains are known for their sedative effects and can help induce feelings of drowsiness.

While this won’t necessarily make you fall asleep, like over the counter or prescription sleep aids, it can make it easier to naturally transition into a restful sleep.

Alternatively, some people find it difficult to fall asleep due to anxiety or anxious thoughts. If that’s the case then strains or products that are high in CBD, may help alleviate that anxiety or stress. By promoting relaxation, it can create a more conducive environment for sleep.

Pain Relief

Another big reason that people have trouble falling asleep is discomfort. If someone is uncomfortable or in pain they are going to have a harder time falling and staying asleep.

Cannabis is very often used as a way to relieve pain, whether it be chronic or otherwise. Therefore, using it before going to bed will go a long way towards making you comfortable for the night and allowing you to have a more uninterrupted rest.

Reduced Nightmares

For some it’s not an issue of falling asleep but staying asleep. Persistent nightmares are a common cause of sleepless nights and consuming cannabis is reported to help with that. 

Cannabis, particularly strains or products with higher levels of THC, may help reduce the occurrence of nightmares, making sleep more peaceful. 

This can be especially helpful for those experiencing conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) where nightmares are a common symptom.

It is important to note that some studies have found that increased consumption of THC can reduce the amount of REM sleep you get and while that is helpful in reducing the amount of dreams (and nightmares) you have. 

However REM sleep is essential for a healthy sleep cycle so it’s a good idea for you to speak with your doctor or a sleep specialist before you begin using cannabis for this purpose.

If you’re struggling to fall or stay asleep, then cannabis might be something you would want to look into. If you’re looking to try something then Nature Med has you covered!

If you’re looking for some gummies then you might want to try WYLD Elderberry or PURE Berry Sleepy. Tinctures are more your style then you might want to give the Chronic Health Sleep Well Tincture. Or you could get a little more creative with how you consume, you can add some Sprinkle Dissolvable Night Relax to whatever you’re eating for drinking before bed. 

As always, if you’re unsure about what you want or what you need, don’t hesitate to ask your budtender any and all questions! They have a wealth of knowledge and are alway happy to help. 

​​If you’re interested in checking out what else we have to offer, here’s a link to our online menu and our specials page to see the ways you can save.


A Strain for Every Occasion

A Strain for Every Occasion

When it comes to cannabis there are so many different options for you to choose from. From the type of product, to the consumption method, there are enough that you can pick one that suits your needs. Different strains are a great way to tailor you consumption to what you need.

No matter what you’re looking for, you’re probably going to be able to find a strain that will help you get there. And if you need help finding that strain, we’ve got you covered. This is in no way a comprehensive list of strains and what they can do but it should be enough to get you started.

Important note: this list will highlight some of the effects that these strains may have on you and some conditions that they could help with. This should not be taken as medical advice and if you are experiencing any of the conditions or symptoms listed here, you should talk with your doctor before making any treatment decisions.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.  

Happiness and Euphoria

One of the most well-known effects that you can experience when consuming cannabis is an uplifting, euphoric feeling. This is the effect that is most commonly associated with getting high. 

A couple of strains that you might want to try if this is the feeling that you’re looking for are Jenny Kush, Gary Payton or Gelato.

These strains have also been reported to help people who are experiencing depression. The uplifting or euphoric effects of these strains and those like can help to combat or mitigate some of the common symptoms of depression.

More Energy

If you feel yourself fading by lunchtime or if you just need more energy during the day, you don’t alway have to reach for that energy drink or make yourself that third cup of coffee. 

There are quite a few cannabis strains that can give you a little energy boost when you need it. 

If you’re looking for that boost you might want to try out some strains like Pineapple Express, Sour Diesel or Maui Wowie. Their energetic, exciting effects will keep you going all day long, no caffeine needed.


If your problem is just the opposite, if you can’t seem to relax, don’t worry there’s also a strain for that. So many people use cannabis as a way to wind down after a hard day or keep calm during stressful times. 

Strains like Dr. Who, Strawberry Shortcake and Duct Tape all are known to be relaxing and leave you feeling nice and chill. If relaxation is your goal, then having a quick sesh with one of these strains is sure to help you out.

These strains have also been known to help people in times of high stress and even treat medical patients with anxiety disorders.

Sleep Aids

Similarly, cannabis can also be a very effective sleep aid for those who need a little help when going to bed. Lighting up a little before trying to sleep has been reported to help those who find it difficult to fall asleep, you just need to make sure you’re using the right strain.

Strains such as Royal Gorilla, Northern Lights or Galactic RTZ have been known to make users sleepy and relaxed. It can also be helpful for people who suffer from chronic insomnia 

Pain Relief

Cannabis has long been lauded as a good source of pain relief for all sorts of conditions. If that’s something that you’re looking for, then there are a couple of strains that you might want to try. 

While there are a number of options for you when it comes to pain relief, you might want to look to strains like Blue Widow, Skywalker or Old Family Purple to give you that relief that you’re looking for. 

Not only are they good for relieving occasional pain, like pulled muscles or soreness, they can also be helpful for chronic pain. A number of conditions can result in chronic pain and if you’re finding it difficult to manage, cannabis might be a good option for you to try. 

Increase Appetite

Something that is often seen as a harmless byproduct of cannabis consumption, can sometimes be a useful tool. Strains like GSC, All Gas OG, OG Kush and ones like them are all known to increase the appetite and give users what are commonly called  “the munchies”.

This may not be something that the average person thinks of as helpful, but people can use these side effects to their advantage. One of the most common uses for strains like this are to treat eating disorders, by stimulating the appetite and helping the person eat a little more than they did before. 


One could also use cannabis to help with their focus. Increasing your focus can be helpful for people who are experiencing some brain fog but it can also sometimes help people who have ADD or ADHD. 

Strains like Pineapple Cake, Cactus Cooler and Lemonatti have all been known to help their users calm their mind and focus more.


No matter what you’re looking for or what effect you’re trying to achieve, there’s probably a strain out there that can help you out. If you’re having trouble narrowing down what you want to try, don’t be afraid to ask your budtender, they will be more than happy to help you out. 

If you have found a strain that you want to try, come on down to NatureMed, we have everything you see here and more, we’ll hook you up with what you need. 

Here is a link to our online menu and our specials page to see the ways you can save.


5 Things to do with a THC Distillate Syringe

5 Things to do with a THC Distillate Syringe

Whether you’ve been using cannabis products for a while or you’re just looking into getting started, you’ve probably seen or heard someone talking about distillate. Distillate is a fairly potent cannabis concentrate that comes in a liquid form, usually in a syringe.

 If you’re not as familiar with distillate, you may be questioning what someone might use it for. Lucky for you, we have some answers. Here are 5 things you can do with a distillate syringe.

1. Fill or refill your vape pens.

Did you know that the concentrate that comes in vape cartridges is a distillate? It’s because of this that so many people like to purchase their own distillate and make their own carts.

You can buy refillable cartridges and fill those with whatever distillate you like or there are some vape pens that allow you to insert the distillate directly. 

Many people like filling their own cartridges because they can make sure they are getting the exact type of distillate & terpenes they want and some say that it also saves them money and keeps them from having to continually buy new disposable cartridges. This is always a great way to be sustainable and reduce product waste. 

2. Mix with food or make your own edibles 

Another popular way to consume distillate is mixing it into food. There are a couple of different ways to do it and what works for you is going to depend on how much work you want to put in.

You can mix it in with already prepared food like soups, spreads, drinks or really anything you can think of. You can also mix it into your food as you’re preparing it. You can add a few drops to a batter before baking, into some dressing for your salad or into a condiment your adding to your sandwich. 

Mixing your distillate into food is a good way to change up your cannabis consumption and try something different.

3. Use it as a topical

One way that you can use distillate without needing to actually consume it, is to use it topically. CBD and THC products have been used for a long time to help with all different types of pain and you can use distillate in the same way.

You can just apply the distillate directly to the affected areas for best results we recommend mixing it with a lotion or an oil and apply that. 

Applying it directly can sometimes help to ease the pain fast and use less product but mixing into a lotion can make it easier to take on the go and can help to counteract any unwanted smells the distillate may have.

No one method is better than the other, it’s simply a matter of preference.

4. Add distillate to a blunt or a joint

If you want to add a little something extra to whatever you’re smoking, just add a drop or two of distillate. 


You can add a couple of drops to your joint or blunt before you roll it to give it that little extra kick. You can add it to your flower or ever to the wrapper, whatever your preference is.


This is a popular method of consuming distillate because it doesn’t require a lot of extra work and it enhances the joint or blunt you were already planning on smoking.


5. Drop directly under the tongue


One of the more basic ways to consume distillate is drop it directly under your tongue like you would a tincture. This method of consumption will help you to feel the effects faster because it allows it to enter your bloodstream much quicker. 


It will also have a much larger effect than a traditional tincture because it’s a much more concentrated dose.


Just as a word of warning, if you’ve never consumed distillate or concentrates of any kind before, use caution when trying them for the first time. They contain a much more concentrated dose than you may be used to so go slow and be mindful of your dosage until you have a good understanding of how it will affect you.



Distillate is a very versatile form of cannabis and we hope that we have sparked a few ideas on how you might want to consume it the next time you sit down for a sesh’.


If you’re looking to get some for yourself, NatureMed has a lot of different options for you. Come on down and check it out, we’ll make sure you get what you need. Here is a link to our distillate menu and our specials page to see the ways you can save.